Saturday, June 22, 2013

Juhannus - Midsummer

Today is Juhannus in Finland – a celebration of the Summer Solstice and its nightless night as well as of John the Baptist. Juhannus is one of the most important holidays and held on Saturday between 20 – 26 June.

The celebration starts on the Friday with most of the Finns travelling to their mökki (summer cottage) in the countryside together with family and/or friends.

The mökki is decorated with birch branches to insure future happiness and flowers to welcome the summer.

On the menu are new potatoes, grilled sausages & meat and strawberries. Then it’s time to enjoy your sauna, not forgetting to gently beat yourself with the vihta (leafy boughs of birch). Traditional Finnish songs are played all night long.
Closer to midnight, everyone heads to see the star of the night, the kokko (bonfire).

Happy Juhannus to all and let’s welcome the summer!


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