Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I hate mosquitoes, they suck!


Finland is called the land of a thousand lakes -nowhere else you will find as many lakes in relation to the country's size. Also 2/3 of Finland's surface area is forest -mostly pine, spruce and birch. In numbers that is a surface of little less than 338500 square kilometers and over 180000 lakes. Population is about 5,4 million.
I found that all that fact surfing on the web, where I was actually looking for facts on mosquitoes -after a mosquitoes attack. I thought I would share some of the facts and my own findings.

-When are the mosquitoes live and kicking? During the summer all the mosquitoes are out looking for you. In spring and autumn in smaller groups (and I am pretty sure that some hide in the houses in the winter)
-Where do they hunt? In cities, country side, forest, by the lake, in the houses-cottages-flats. Mosquitoes are everywhere!
-How many of them? After some home maths and some time sitting outdoor, I came to the conlusion that there are about 20-40 mosquitoes by person ...that makes a lot of them!
-Do mosquitoes exhibit blood-sucking preferences? Yes!

-Do the mosquitoes prefer foreigners? Yes!
-Why? Foreigners are like exotic food for the mosquitoes.
-Is there any efficient mosquito trap or repellent: I doubt, mosquitoes have been around for over 30 million years already. It looks like they are not going to disappear anytime soon


It was not surprising to find out that in Finland is held the World Mosquito Killing Championships (WMKC) every year. The participants smash as many mosquitoes as possible in 5 minutes. I suppose the best bait being your own flesh. In the WMKC webpages, the record is 21 mosquitoes.
I am sure I could do better...

I will end on an inspirational note: if you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spent a night with a mosquito!


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