Thursday, June 6, 2013

Downsizing/Rightsizing my space and life

My son's graduation party was coming up and I was wondering how in earth I would fit all the family and friends in our flat. I started cleaning, emptying and reorganizing our home. Guess what! It looked straight away more spacious!
It was surprising if not frightning to realize how much we have accumulated since we moved in 4 years ago.
Could I take it further? Should I take this further?
Do I need material souvenirs? Shouldn’t I rather change the way I remember events, places and friends? I love taking pictures - that could be the solution.
Do I need all the clothes, shoes and accessories in my closet? I removed items that I have not worn in a year (excluding the very special items). From now on I will think twice before buying something new – without doubt I will find something similar in my closet! Same really applies for the pots & dishes or anything found in my cupboards and closets.
I am thinking to take downsizing also into relationships. I never have the time to see all my friends and on the other hand some people are just not good for me. Some are just not really good friends and will disappear when tough times. By downsizing my relationships I should increase the quality time with my real friends.
Will I be able to downsize my housing? Will I be able to take it to a step further when the time will come?

I have only starting my downsizing project - and yes! It is overwhelming. I struggle with the items that have a story (souvenirs), I struggle with the status thing (material & desires), I struggle with the good manners (relationships), I struggle with the expectations.

Downsizing feels like hitting the refresh button.


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