Saturday, December 21, 2013

I want an eco-friendly Christmas tree!

Christmas doesn’t feel like Christmas without the Christmas tree, but it disturbs me to see every year so many trees cut and a couple of weeks later thrown away.
I like the idea of leasing a live potted tree. The idea is to get a live tree delivered to your home, you take care of the tree while it’s at your place, and after Christmas the tree is collected and replanted in the wildlife till the next year.
After a few years, the trees are planted and retire.
That’s my plan for next year! I know they do it in France and in the US, pretty sure it’s done here in Finland as well.
Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

Long time since I wrote last. I had nothing to say, can you believe that. Photography has not been on the top of my priorities neither. The weather has been pretty bad to my taste – I am still waiting for the snow. Today we had a glimpse of it and for a moment I really believed that we would get a white Christmas. A few hours later, all had melted away. Now it is wet and dirty. Depressing!

Anyhow, the good news is that Christmas is just around the corner. Most of the cards have been sent – I doubt more will be sent this year. Our Christmas three is proudly standing in our living room and has been decorated just in the same way than in the last 15 years (or more): red and gold. Not got bored yet of the color theme so no reason to change it! We have baked a few Christmas goodies, some presents have been wrapped and posted and the rest will be wrapped soon. 
All that is not depressing at all!

I can’t wait for more of Christmas decoration, food and odors. I can’t wait to slow down during the holidays. I can’t wait for Christmas Eve and its atmosphere. I am counting the days ...