Sunday, April 28, 2013

Jewels, jewels, jewels ...

Every now and again I just go berserk trying to find a clever way to put my jewelry in such a way that I would actually find them easily. At the moment they are found in a few closed boxes. In the morning, I have the tendency to grab the same one.
This week, I came accross a couple of good ideas. Need to start decorating my bathroom or my bedroom - or both?
The long necklaces were decorating the bathroom wall - easy to pick the right colour and right length on your way out.

This time on the bedroom wall, the jewels are framed and steeling all the attention. Another way to find in a glance the one to spend the day or evening with.



Saturday, April 20, 2013


n. slang
        nonsence, foolish talk, small talk, chit chat

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Who should be carrying the handbag?

I was in town this afternoon and I noticed (twice) men carrying their girlfriend’s handbag, and I mean men carrying while walking around and not just holding the bag while ‘honey’ is trying on clothes in the fitting room. Don’t know what to think about that, don’t know how I would react if my date would be carrying my handbag around. My handbag is my fashion accessory, it contains all my stuff and really it has been designed for women. What is the point of buying an expensive handbag if you don’t carry it?

Is it an act of gallantry? Are those men just trying hard to impress their girl? Wouldn’t it be better to impress her in other ways? -c-

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Here we go!

I've been talking for a few years about creating a blog -having so much to say, so many opinions to share and pictures to show! I wanted this blog to be visually ready before I go live, wanted it to look like me, but will it be never ready? So, on this snowy Sunday, I decided to start sharing my thoughts, my pictures, my stories, my friends' stories and anything that will come to my mind.
Hope you'll enjoy! -c-